One Of My Stalkers (besties with former stalker) Discussing Me Today..

I refuse to remain silent about this abhorrent behavior. It's not going away so I may as well write about it. This is part of my life experience. Perhaps I am here to diagnose a peculiar form of soul sickness.
Surreal as it sounds, I am being obsessed over by the former best friend of my ex-stalker. So my psycho-ex, who used to stalk me then backed away has now been entirely replaced by Jenna Wilson aka Rusted Soul.
I don't know what to make of her. Antifan? Antigroupie? Stalker? JTRIG?
You tell me. My attorney looked into this and said she's not collectible. Apparently, she owes nearly ten thousand dollars to some agency who took her to court and still haven't collected a
I suppose I'll just observe and document as I do everything else.
Someone leaked to Flat Earth Reset and Marcus Goldfinch that I moved to Las Cruces. And somehow they knew I hitched a ride to the conference. They both maintain they have a mole in my midst.
There is also this ongoing obsession with my 4-month-old son. Not sure what that's about....