The GOD'S EYE VIEW which the actor-nauts claim to have is 100% baloney. This holier than thou nonsense is really just a subtle stab at all of us, wayyyyyy down below, incapable of seeing the BIG PICTURE, thus the need for NASA and the Space Program to guide humanity.
The Space Program is the Heaven Program and your orbiting astronauts are the elevated ones who ascended into heaven. So their opinions are coming from a higher place.
The following comes from "The NASA astronaut who refused to shave his beard is searching for Atlantis":
"This idea that seeing Earth from space can alter your psyche is known as the "overview effect." Astronauts who look back upon the planet have reported being overwhelmed with "bliss, timelessness" and a "profound sense of connectedness."
When Scully-Power looked out of the Challenger's window and saw the curvature of Earth floating against the nothingness of space, that connectedness -- the connectedness of humanity -- became apparent. The borders used to delineate countries on an atlas or on a classroom wall ceased to exist.
"You look at [the Earth] and you say: My God, the whole of human endeavor, I'm looking at it and most of the wars have been about boundaries and I can't even see them."
This GOD'S EYE VIEW they claim to have makes them our high priests. And that's their true purpose. The fake space program with its fake astronauts with their levitation miracles is an elaborate and clever ruse used by the State Church to give the priests of scientism credibility.