Hey, so I'm not trying to offend. However, please understand, if I don't roast my enemies they don't get the picture.
Some anonymous creep talks smack--he gets warped into a funhouse version of himself for all time
That's life in Timbuktu.

SO COLON DRAHOTA, you are free to call me a Satanist and a demonically possessed servant of evil all you want. It's your freedom to.
However, so too, is it my freedom to make demented art out of you, figuratively rearranging your face like a Picasso. Literally.
Some anonymous creep talks smack--he gets warped into a funhouse version of himself for all time
That's life in Timbuktu.

SO COLON DRAHOTA, you are free to call me a Satanist and a demonically possessed servant of evil all you want. It's your freedom to.
However, so too, is it my freedom to make demented art out of you, figuratively rearranging your face like a Picasso. Literally.