Slain Indonesian Flat Earthers , Ed Chandra and Dana, Planned Conference
The 23 year old killed alongside his father was setting up a flat earth conference in Indonesia at the time of their deaths.*
This leads me to think that beyond the given explanation, that of hitmen hired by the founder's wife, there could be another explanation. Their channel was/is quite popular with video viewcounts reaching into the millions and I think this may be a factor in their deaths.
Here is a snippet of coverage on the topic regarding their activism:
It's worth considering that they have a substantial following. Also, let's not forget how disuprtive Flat Earth can be. As a topic, it requires one questions the established authorities at a fundamental level.
Conspiracy theories in general attack the credibilty of official narratives and rarely raise serious concern; yet Flat Earth, for some reason, sounds off the alarms and raises all the red flags.
Tim Ozman,
IPS Spokesmouth,
Support this blog
(NOTE: Indonesia Flat Earth Conference, not International Flat Earth Conference. Also, it undoubtedley would have had a better logo than their American counterparts'.)
This leads me to think that beyond the given explanation, that of hitmen hired by the founder's wife, there could be another explanation. Their channel was/is quite popular with video viewcounts reaching into the millions and I think this may be a factor in their deaths.
Here is a snippet of coverage on the topic regarding their activism:

Conspiracy theories in general attack the credibilty of official narratives and rarely raise serious concern; yet Flat Earth, for some reason, sounds off the alarms and raises all the red flags.

Am I suggesting these Flat Earth leaders were agitating too much too fast, and had been targeted for an assassination? Yeah. But we'll see. I"ll follow the story closely and with an open mind. Subscribe below to get updates automatically sent to your inbox.
Tim Ozman,
IPS Spokesmouth,
Support this blog
(NOTE: Indonesia Flat Earth Conference, not International Flat Earth Conference. Also, it undoubtedley would have had a better logo than their American counterparts'.)