PREDICTION: Odessa-Midland Shooter: An Anti-Cop Auditor/ Conspiracy Theorist #vanillaISIS #autohoax
I'm predicting that the shooter will be a First Amendment Auditor type. These are a variant of conspiracy theorists who feel like they've cracked the legal code and refuse to accept law enforcement as representing any lawful authority.
They record themselves in confrontations with law enforcement, often attempting to agitate a response which will expose that the police are all really fascists.
This would be in line with the new "White Al Quadia" and "Vanilla Isis" "Angry White Men" threat the media has been hyping up. They may even throw in "mentally ill."
Here is my initial assessment. I predicted that two shooters would coalesce into one as the story evolved:

They record themselves in confrontations with law enforcement, often attempting to agitate a response which will expose that the police are all really fascists.
This would be in line with the new "White Al Quadia" and "Vanilla Isis" "Angry White Men" threat the media has been hyping up. They may even throw in "mentally ill."
Here is my initial assessment. I predicted that two shooters would coalesce into one as the story evolved:
Tim Ozman