It's difficult to start categorizing the shades of crazy: urine drinkers, hyper-offended church ladies obsessed with numerology and hand signs, pedophile on probation, cyber stalkers, psychotic anti-flat-earthers, a gay Canadian duo, junkies in cars talking about "mud floods", and sex offenders: all proselytizing for Jesus and the flat earth. And this is the happy side of the flat earth.
But what of the notorious anger of the alt-right self-styled Christian?
Let's look at the shed-rager phenomenon:
Shed-raging is when truthers, angered by a world run by liars, rage impotently in their sheds, garages, and parked cars.
One popular shed-rager, Del, was known for his particularly aggressive form of flat earth proselytizing called "Wet Balling". Wet Balling involved throwing a wet ball in someone's face until they reject the premise that water can stick to a ball.
However you look at it: legitimate debate or Internet theory run amok, you can't deny that Flat Earth is worse than its critics imagine. So what does this mean?
Nothing other than society will have its tolerance tested. Most people aren't engaged enough in the debate to prioritize it above electoral politics. Most flat earth believers are watching the debates wondering who to vote for.
"Which politician is "flattest?" they must wonder. Would it be better if they were apolitical? Is it right to marginalize and discriminate against them?
And what of John Kirszenberg, of the Cleveland Astrology Department, even now on a killing rampage? Here's an example of the media ignoring gun violence when it doesn't suit their agenda. It's a scientist gunning down flat earthers. It's said he's already killed seven and wounded dozens more.
But why won't the media report on this?

That question answers itself.
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