FEAROCRACY, Excerpt from CONSPIRATAINED: http://conspiratained.com/

H.L. Mencken — 'The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace ... to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”


The stereotypical conspiracy theorist is terrified. I find it funny that those who learn that only "sheeple" fear the virus and follow all the new health mandates are terrified of vaccines. They trade Virusphobia for Vaxaphobia. 

The same woke truthers that scoff at the Global Warming doomsaying are terrified of condensation trails behind commercial airlines. They trade the fear of climate change for fear of man-manipulated weather and sky-bourne toxins.

What good is it to lose the fear of terrorists and school shooters on the basis that these are just propaganda-based myths if one is going to start fearing Bill Gates and 5-G Towers?

The partisan nature of the fears belies their real purpose: polarization. A comparison of left vs right partisan hobgoblins and beliefs demonstrates their phoniness. Left fears viruses, favors open borders, and is pro-vaccine. The right fears vaccines, open borders, and the anti-vax position are rightwing. 

Isn't it interesting how one side wants strong borders nationally and individually, as in impenetrable border walls, and unvaxxed (unpenetrated) skin. The left wants the state to protect everyone with vaccines, whereas the right wants to protect themselves with individual immune systems. The left wants to disarm the public to presumably let the state alone defend us. 

The pro-Second Amendment right-wingers believe individuals have a "God-given" right to defend themselves. They prefer their "God-given" immune systems to government-vaccines.

 The pattern here: collective or individual self-defense, medically and otherwise, is a partisan and ideological preference. Left choose salvation by government, the Right chooses salvation by "God".

The left thinks the right is racist and beneficiaries of systemic racial oppression. The right thinks the left is evil and sell-outs to a Satanic system. The left has a secular concept of evil, which they call hate. Systemic racism is hatred embedded into the system which rewards hateful racists. Therefore, the top of the power structure is necessarily a servant of racism and hate, which is why the system needs reformation.

The right believes in a metaphysical evil, which they see manifested in the cultural trends away from traditional moral values and the nuclear family. To them, the world system is Satanic, and therefore those at the top are the evil blood drinkers, pedovores, and human traffickers. It follows, therefore, that the system needs a good leader to drain the evil out of the system.

The pattern is clear. Left fears right, right fears left. The centrists fear both left and right. 

Where are the fearless to be found? One place: among the autohoaxers. They are the ones laughing at those still on the Whirled Stage.



Excerpt from CONSPIRATAINED:  http://conspiratained.com/

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