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Interesting Comments Section:

 Are we back in the 1920s with the Scopes Monkey Trial? What about the Flat Earth Society? am appalled that meetings are even being held to determine what should be taught in our science classes. Are we back in the 1920s with the Scopes Monkey Trial? What about the Flat Earth Society?

I’m offended that someone thinks the Bible and creationism should be taught in school, let alone in a science class.

If this is indicative of today’s school system, I’m not just worried, I’m horrified!

Carl Dillingham, Hurricane

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science tweeted her request, and she was positively swamped with advice. “Build a wall around her and make vaccinated people pay for it,” said one. Among the other other recommendations were to spray her with window cleaner, coat her in chilli sauce, burn sage while dancing anti-clockwise round her, and, above all, don’t get too attached to her.
Compared with the calibre of advice the same mother had clearly been consuming on those anti-vax websites, these suggestions were nuggets…

"If you go can score a ticket to get woke and bust the globe, be sure and let me know how it goes — IF you make it back.
Just in case the Conference is correct, ya might wanna take a raft.
And above all, confirm one very important thing: the ship’s ability to quickly shift into Reverse.

The idea of someone posting a video on YouTube entitled “10 reasons why the Earth is flat” seems like it could be a joke. But what happens when that person uploads a video with “10 reasons why vaccines will kill you” or “10 reasons why climate change is a lie?” Only 47 per cent of American believe climate change is the result of human activity. Denial of scientific fact is far more serious than MarkSargent ranting on a podcast and Behind the Curve shows us this bleak reality while offering us a way to move forward.

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