It's true.
Why do you think THEWEEKND hides his arms?
Why do they have so many girlfriends in common?
What of the matching moles on the right side of their necks?
This raises a few questions as to the magnitude of this. Is it widespread? Is this par for the course when it comes to pop stars?
Are we looking at characters created for public consumption, characters with no more input on what they say, do, or wear than actors in movies?
That's what it looks like. Apart from selling more records, the existence of this phenonmenon suggests that the celebrities are serving important propaganda roles for the government. This case with Beiber is of particular interest because it involves the offensive use of "black face" and puts a white man as an award winning R&B singer.
Why do you think THEWEEKND hides his arms?
Why do they have so many girlfriends in common?
What of the matching moles on the right side of their necks?
This raises a few questions as to the magnitude of this. Is it widespread? Is this par for the course when it comes to pop stars?
Are we looking at characters created for public consumption, characters with no more input on what they say, do, or wear than actors in movies?
That's what it looks like. Apart from selling more records, the existence of this phenonmenon suggests that the celebrities are serving important propaganda roles for the government. This case with Beiber is of particular interest because it involves the offensive use of "black face" and puts a white man as an award winning R&B singer.
There are counter points to this. Mostly relating to a photo of the two of them together. On closer inspection, one of these photos involves a wax dummy of Bieber and the other appears fake and photoshopped.
The evidence is still piling up. We have been DEEP FAKED.

Tim Ozman