Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 11:29 AM
To: Bob Knodel
Subject: Nathan Thompson is WORSE for FE than Mike ever could be
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 11:29 AM
To: Bob Knodel
Subject: Nathan Thompson is WORSE for FE than Mike ever could be
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 11:29 AM
To: Bob Knodel
Subject: Nathan Thompson is WORSE for FE than Mike ever could be
RE: Nathan Thompson is WORSE for FE than Mike ever could be
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12:54 AM (12 hours ago)
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Yes that was excellent work on Nathan’s part. So now you are outright supporting ballers like Everett Anderson who tries to insinuate that Nathan is attempting pedophilia by highlighting the quote “You gotta get ‘em while they’re young”? You are really desperate and reaching Jacob.
Since you can do that, I guess I can start telling people that you are a necrophiliac because of your sick fascination with the dead and you used to go around picking up dead bodies for the morgue both in the military and out. You are really a sick fuck Jacob! I hear that since Mad Mike has no family you are wanting to claim his body too. Wow! That is just disgusting!
How in the world could you have sex with dead bodies? No wonder your art is so perverted. Clearly it must be true and you obviously support this kind of investigation into yourself because of what you infer about Nathan here and you obviously side with baller troll Everett Anderson. I guess aligning yourself with the Flat Earth Society (I have that little gem recorded) wasn't enough to prove you are a shill so now you are aligned with this clown. You are really digging yourself in deep buddy.
I am also going to use my connections to investigate you and see what kind I can dig up. Don't get a hard on Jacob, I am not talking about digging up dead bodies...
You had better be squeaky clean buddy because I will expose everything I find out about your sick little ass! If you think I can't find out exactly where you live in less than 5 minutes with the resources I have then you are as fucking stupid as you look!
Of course I will also be able to rely on MGTV and FER for some factual information about you.
Looks like I need to hook up with Flat Earth Reset too. You know the old saying, right? The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Yeah, you got it.
You are a pathetic little fuck Jacob! MGTV is and always has been totally right about you and he has told me some unreal things about you and I know they’re true. How do I know? Well, MGTV said so, so obviously they must be!
Do you really think you got Nathan on something here by sending me a known baller troll video trying to infer Nathan is a pedophile? Hahahaha! You are a serious retard Jacob and I am going to make it my personal mission to make sure EVERYONE in this community knows every little sick tactic you use! You fucked with the wrong person asshole and if you want war, you got it Necro-man! I am not a stupid retard like your average penguin cult member.
You have no idea how many people in this community hate your fucking guts as well as your little cult of Penguins. Trash like you needs to go to the dumpster because you are scum and you supported scum like Mad Mike!
Fuck you, you little necrophiliac sick bastard! If I get one more email from you or see one more video from you trashing me or ANYONE else in the good FE community I promise you I will deliver everything I have stated above! You are a hateful little FUCK and your shit stops here – OR ELSE! The choice is yours...
Oh, and if you EVER call my phone again, I will personally hunt you down and kick your ass! Capiche Cowboy?
Last thing dipshit – you have people in your little penguin cult that are reporting everything you do directly to me. You will NEVER guess who they are. I am laughing at you clown! You are so fucking stupid it boggles the mind!
Now piss off you piece of shit!