Lots of Thin-Skinned Owen Benjamin "Bears" on Dlive @dlive
There are so many triggerable Owen Benjamin "bears" on Dlive. All I did was suggest they don't stop the cultural-appropriation with the "bears" thing and add a rainbow flag to their cult and maybe do drag queen bears at the next Flat Earth conference.You would think I blasphemed their Lord.

Strangely, it's case of fundamentalist Christian-sexist homophobes appropriating gay-culture and slang for their own ends. The bear-cult is actually quite extensive. It's something of a mythopoetic mens movement crossed with Alex Jones level conspiritainment.
Tim Ozman

Strangely, it's case of fundamentalist Christian-sexist homophobes appropriating gay-culture and slang for their own ends. The bear-cult is actually quite extensive. It's something of a mythopoetic mens movement crossed with Alex Jones level conspiritainment.
Tim Ozman