As NASA approaches the 50th anniversary, they are apparently bothered that the Flat Earthers never went away:

This article is about Stafford, who we have discussed before. Read what he said about the Flat Earthers:

The article closes with another statement about the Flat Earthers:

This article is about Stafford, who we have discussed before. Read what he said about the Flat Earthers:

The article closes with another statement about the Flat Earthers:
"While the technology involved may have come a long way—Stafford recalls the Gemini guidance computer designed by IBM carried a total memory of 4,096 words—other things, like science-deniers, remain familiar.
The day after Stafford made his cheeky request to contact the British Flat Earth Society, he received news from mission control that the group had responded.
They were reading out the day's news items, and told him: "The president of the British Flat Earth society said he appreciated the beautiful color TV images, and yes, the Earth is round but it's a flat disc."