Denis Sluka of Army Camp Fort Totten ( Mark Sargent ) and Joe Real are business partners and life partners of Metatron and are subcontractors for DoD .Metatron registered Phone apps for Mark and Pat 2 years before they came on YouTube .Metatron also registered the Domain name Mark Sargent 2 years before he came on YouTube .
MGTV found the info and Mark ,Patty and Joe Real of Metatron did a damage control live show .What they did to put people off the scent is swap Christopher Sluka with Denis Sluka . I have a screenshot from 2015 off Math Powerlands Google plus page and Blaine Bosserman ( still on Youtube ) is telling Math his Friend knows Mark and he works for DoD out of Colorado .
Math who at that time was Marks arch enemy chose to keep the info to himself ( Team Mates Really ) Math in a quickly deleted ( available ) video admitted Hollywood paid him to launch YouTube Flat Earth .Metatron and Mark are connected through Hollywood ( Zionists ) through Genesis Communication Network who are owned by ABC who are owned by Disney .
Genesis own many many "conspiracy" Web radio stations including Chris Geo ,Coast to Coast ,Truth Frequency ,Art Bell and top of the Cass Sunstien disinfo team Alex Jones . Mercer who was Trumps biggest backer is connected to Genesis .Alex Jones was instrumental in Trump Winning .
So Alex is on the same team as Sargent and Steere through Genesis and Truth Frequency Radio .Actor Math through the MTV Comedy club is Hollywood .
So who is Steere ?

Steere got drafted in to boost Mark because he is so god dam boring . She was placed into the Steere family for a instant back story .The Real Patricia Steere is a way bigger Girl and that's why there is no photos of Patricia at a record deck in a radio station because if the real Patricia was shown alarm bells would go off .Facially they look the same except fake Potato Pat has a uneven eye level .Past puberty the real Patricia got to be a bigger Girl than Potato Pat .A whole portion of photo history is missing from after Graduation up until "Girl is a Gun" shop .
Biggest mistake is Patricia says she is inheritance wealthy and yet her "supposed" Brother still sells T.Shirts ,lives in rental and his wife works in a Bar .Did he not get any inheritance ? .
Pat told Antonio Subirats she was waiting for $250000 and yet she lives in a Million Plus house .She has zero income to make up the shortchange of these figures .
Mark interviews of Military all makes sense when you know the connections Metatron has with the DoD . The Interview Mark did with the US Navy Missile Man who posted a note live from a US Navy Ship missile room never set off alarm bells when in the same week a US Navy Sub Guy got sent to Prison for taking a
"Selfie" from inside a Sub .
Folk really are lacking in critical thinking when supporting most of the top key Flat Earth people .They are mostly failed sellout Actors ,Musicians and Writers ( Hollywood connections again ) who have all been pushed ,promoted and have appeared on Pats Hot Potatoes Show .
Basically Hot Potatoes Show is 1960,s CIA Hippie Laurel Canyon Mk2 .
The sellouts Actors and Musicians from Laurel Canyon de railed the Anti Vietnam War Movement .