“Easter, by decree of Pope Gregory in 1582, is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.” Turns out that’s not true. It is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21st. ... But thisyear, the equinox was on March 20th. And there was a full moon on March 21st. So Easter would have been the very next Sunday of that week (based on my old calculations). This is how I stumbled on it. I said, “How come this isn’t Easter?” I called up all my best people ... and it took me like a few hours to dig this up. They said the problem is I was using astronomical equinox rather than religious equinox. (Laughs.) Most of the time they coincide, so one doesn’t have the need to distinguish them. The religious equinox is just, by decree, March 21st. And the first full moon after March 21st was yesterday (Thursday, April 18). ... Whereas the first full moon after the equinox of March 20th was March 21st, so it completely bypassed an entire full moon sitting there, that could have had Easter come really soon after the equinox. But it didn’t. It came almost as late as it possibly can. So I learned that, like, last week.