Scanning the headlines just a moment ago I became aware of several reasons to be deeply concerned about our fragile ecosystem and the existence of city-killer asteroids.

According to Elon Musk,richest man in the world and the guy with the plan to save humanity, the Earth will be destroyed by a large rock sooner or later. The deeper I go into the stories beneath the attention getting click-baityheadlines, the more immersive and hypnotic the experience of hyper-mediation gets. Presidential candidate Peter Buttgag says climate change is “kind of a sin” giving this fear of catastrophe the impression of being God’s way of judging us.

This, oddly, puts the scientists in the role of doomsayers. Their sermonizing fell on deaf ears and now we all must pay. It seems like religions have been replaced with politics, the game is the same but the names and faces of its components have been updated.

The most God Fearing people out there are the atheists. Their God of course being the globe itself, the planet, and its response to our refusal to curb our “sin”, climate chaos, is its judgement.

 Moreover, even if we all go green and embrace the necessary countermeasures to save this fragile environment, God / Random Chance will be destroying us with an asteroid, thus annihilating this planet despite our best efforts anyway.

The world is doomed and so are we----unless we find a way out.

Outer space is the modern version of Heaven. It is where man can find salvation. Where the good people, the recyclers, can escape to, leaving the reprobate polluters behind.

And if this wasn’t worrying enough---that we are living in a covert-theocracy--- billionaire Elon Musk is now some kind of savior. This is the deep faked world we live in. And I’ve only scratched the surface.

Tim Ozman

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